who is that Riya Kannan? Riya Kannan Episode

I am good bro, how are you? I am good. Super, bro. This guy will edit your videos from here, I mean sitting in our office, He edits only your videos day and night, We also noticed it many times, Your videos are excellent, Firstly,

I want to say that, you are doing well, Reels, and shorts, You have also been to Japan and did the Japan series, right? We saw all that, it is fantastic. Thank you, bro. As I was talking to him, He said I had left back everything,

Hereafter, my whole life is dedicated to our channel, He told me this in my ears, Okay, I told him, Brother, make a call to him, Then he said, he didn’t have your number, But when checked,

he has saved your name with a heart symbol, That is why we called you, This video is also being recorded, We will post this in our next video, Come on, tell this on your own,

boss, I will call you, once I finish this video. Okay. Okay, thank you, Who is that next channel? The guy who is capable of working for many companies from sitting in one company.

You always ask us why we post our videos late, Because he will be uploading other clients’ videos, When we were waiting to upload our video at 3 PM, would have already uploaded his video.

We will wonder, how come, he uploads at the right time. Because he will work for him sitting here and he will leave us back. This is how he works, We came to know that, he is a marketing agent,

He gets all the channels and gives work to his friend, He will give all the work to him, Dude, we have 8 clients today, Beginning, who has two Black Sheep videos, And then two videos,

Who else? I don’t know, You can put in a request now, and they will surely give you work, You can request all you know, What Will you do for them? Working for 4 to 5 companies is not a matter,

But you have to work completely in those four places, Did you get me? As far as I know, Antony sir, Gautham sir, whoever sees this, If you appoint him, your movies will be delayed, Yes, while editing your movie,

He will suddenly start thinking, Oh God, I have a video to finish today, When he compares this love or that love, He may fall for Jaanu’s love and he will do their work first. So, please don’t call him for work.

We will also not call you hereafter, come on leave, If you want to work here, you can work, Or you can go send messages to Riya Kannan. He will go say that we made fun of him. Ayo, What are you doing? wait a minute,

Whom did you call? What dear? To whom were you speaking? Bro, he hasn’t changed. See what he is doing? Boss, please don’t mind what they say, Please continue giving me videos, Call him, man,

He will not pick up my call, bro, you call him, but He is busy talking to someone. He might have not started, I am here in the office, and I will come up now, It is almost 30 minutes, Not 30, it is around 40 minutes, Wait, bro,

I am on my way, Hang on, I will reach on time. Hey Harshath, What bro, did he come? You would have seen all these reels and songs, What were you doing all this time? writing script, Okay, what were you doing?

He was the one who was writing, is it so? What script were you writing, please tell us, I will tell you once I finish, Tell us whether it is a thriller, horror, or what genre it is. Is it a love story, yes, it is a love story, Oh, it is a love story,

Tell us the story, bro, We will also support improvising it. There was a boy and a girl…woah, what a new story, ( Laughs ) We haven’t seen such a story in Hollywood, Bollywood, or any other Hood. Wood, wood..come on continue,

I haven’t started the story, there is a boy and a girl, They both love each other, But their parents don’t like their relationship, This story was created before cinema was created. No one even listens to it. Come on continue, no,

let me finish the script, A girl and a boy, the girl’s parents didn’t like this relationship, That is what I was thinking, by then you called me, What is there to think about this, It will be rejected as it is, Even the short filmmaker will not think these things.

He has wasted three hours on this, To think this you have wasted, now the time is, 5:30 PM, Till 5:30, for how many days have you been thinking about this? Even though he does this, My suggestion is to keep a song like “Kannana Kanne” It is my wish.

This is my idea, what do you feel? When you play that song, there should be a painting scene in Titanic movie, Lying down like this, ( Singing ) What’s happening here? Why did you call me, bro? We want to remake the Titanic movie,

And you are the perfect person to do that. Can you picture only that painting scene for us, You post a story, You post a story even for unknowing people, Can’t you make a Titanic scene for us, He is thinking, I sent for 15,000 people,

Who might have told them? Who is Riya Kannan? How do you know? I know Riya Kannan, he knows Riya Kannan, Soori knows and Sathish knows, Sathish, Sathish bro, bring our edipi here, Yes, edipi knows her, Come.Come.Come.

We have a new customer here, have your seat. Sethu sir, please come, Come on sir, please be seated, Your brother is going to make a movie, “Kannana Kagney” “Nee Kalangathadi” Come sit here, why are you standing there,

Tell me bro, come on bro, come sit here, Yes, she has sent me that, How will I know otherwise, Who sent it? To whom did you send it, She sent a message to us as well. To whom did you send a message? Come on, come here, babu.

Come here, Come, sit here, Keep the pillow aside, he doesn’t need all that, To whom did you send the message? To a friend on Instagram, Friend. oh, how’s it? Wait, no no no Come on keep this in your mouth.

We will talk, you just keep this in your mouth and sit here. You can take it out now. No, keep it inside. Come on keep it inside your mouth, dear. ( Singing ) That is what I asked you, who is that Riya Kannan? how do you know her?

You know her, how do you know her? Aunt’s daughter, is it so? So, tell me, brother, She is like a friend, she said she is in the US, US? She said she was Adayar to me, Is it Kia Mannan? it is not Kia Mannan, Riya Kannan.

Because there is a girl named Cia Sunnan, He knows a girl that name, Even he, knows a girl named Daya Annan, How many are there? Tell me who is that? She messaged me, Who? Riya, Riya messaged me,

I didn’t know that she was talking to these guys also, I believed that she was talking only to me as you thought, At that time, she sent me the Titanic drawings that you had sent her, She forwarded all that to me, And

I showed all that to them and we were having fun seeing that. If you are serious about that, I will move on, I mean, do you want her to be in your life, If so, then I will not get into it, You are a decent man, that’s it,

what else can be done, Or should I go to her and say, come come come to me, I will not force anyone like that. What do you want to say? It is in process, It is in process, is it? What process? Who is that Riya Kannan? She is in the US, okay,

We are just chatting, right now, Other things are private, You mean inside the room, if this is private, that was Government, is it? Don’t laugh. Just a comedy, Now you keep this in your mouth.

I will tell you all once it is confirmed, Okay, you will tell us right, once it is confirmed, Tell me. Tell me. I will tell you once it is confirmed. Confirm, What confirm? tell me, Whatever you have to say to Riya Kannan, Say all that to me,

Talk now, I will talk today, Hey such a fool he is. What, bro? I am that Riya Kannan. It is my fake ID, Not only for you, I sent a message to all here. What are you saying, bro? I will make a video call from Riya Kannan ID,

Hey, call me first Riya, Wait, let me first deal with him. Come on talk to me, Riya, What is this bro? Ayo, attend the call, it is me, Riya. Hey Riya, you look beautiful. Harshu. Hi. You said you have a shot with Kamal sir, didn’t you go there?

It is not Kamal sir, it is Rajani sir. Hey, give it to the guy beside you, Hey, how are you? Let me talk, Sathish, what are you doing? “Hey, Satish, had your dinner da” Wait, Edipi is coming on second call, Hey, Edipi, Hi, how are you?

I am good, Gautham Menon sir is calling you to edit, Are you not going to Edipi? Edipi waits, Dulquer Salman, sir is calling me, Hey, Ram ji, Ramo ji, Prem ji, Wait Narayanan is calling me, Ayo. He has sent me one lakh again,

You will not understand anything now, This is my fake account, What? tell your brother, that He has sent everyone the same message, I have got trapped, He has got trapped, He is different,

We all have got trapped in some or another way, This is just for fun, Enjoy it, man, Your feeling was fantastic, “Kannana Kagney” What is this, man? Why he is getting serious about such silly things?

Why are you getting serious? some short film, What is this, bro? You called me to come here, Riya Kanan..bro..bro..bro. Daya Anan, he is very true, To whom? Sethu, is it? You are very true to Sethu, You made the lion cry, bro.

Come on bro, just leave it. Brother is calling you, You are doubting us for this, He has been so true to Sethu being in our office, Have I worried about all that? Live it, man, come on let it go, But one thing, Either it is he, or he and him,

Everyone wanted to have me, But you are the only one who wanted to live together, Maybe approximately 300 messages in a day, All that was only about, Did you eat, did you sleep, Did you go to the bathroom, go for a walk,

Don’t eat unhealthy food, But you ruined his love feelings, I didn’t do that, what else is this, you don’t know this before is it? How would I know, I was trapped yesterday, Not yesterday, a day before that, Saying, Premji.Ramji.

He is far better, Live it, bro, Did I send a Titanic photo? “Kannana Kagney” You are a bold guy, Singing a song in this voice, But honestly his messages are, that is what I was about to say, Because I know how he talks, I

got to know, that’s it, let’s end it. That’s it, we are going to end everything. What type of messages do you want? Love, comedy, Action, what do you want? Violence, Violence means? When he was in the Army, Oh.

Everyone calls you military, what are you doing? When I asked so, he told me, I was in the army for six years, It was a comedy, It is not comedy, it is violence. Is it so? When the opposing forces arrive, Wait, you tell, That’s enough,

What is he called, Captain or, Commander, The commander will come and save the country, Live my hand. Okay, continue, Wait..wait. What the commander will do is, Oh God, it’s a tough situation,

It was such a worse situation that no one could save India, Bro please bro, Bro, enough. He came forward to save India, Spoke to another commander, He defeated the opposing forces, Like Bahubali, fought with arms,

He said many things, Bro, enough bro, please, This is his violent story. From there, held his hands, All the girls would come to him and talk while he was studying in college, All the girls, But he didn’t like any of them,

Please leave me, Many girls used to roam behind him asking for an outing, But he was not interested in any of those girls, He has unconditional love only for Riya Kannan. Full interest, Tell us about the chat, bro, you already told it once,

You didn’t finish it, right? He also said something, Tamil Nadu, no, the whole of India became dark, He said so, What would be Riya Kannan’s reply to that? Why? I should slap myself Because the moon is in the US. Come on beat him,

Show your face, Show your face properly. Why do you hide your face? He said the whole of India had become dark, I asked why, Because the Moon is in the US. Then I asked how there was light here, As soon as heard it,

he reacted like you, It came out. And suddenly he called me sister in between the chat, Oh. I don’t know why he said sister. Please don’t say everything, bro. I just have one doubt, Don’t you leave a sister,

If I had found it out at the beginning itself, I wouldn’t have continued the conversation, You ruined your life, dude. Okay, tell me, why did you call sister? If we call them sisters in the beginning stage, It will be easy to get close to them,

I didn’t do all that, You have tried for that only, right? Imagine you are Riya now, Again I am Riya, Yes, I am Riya, Okay, you are Riya now, If I say okay sister in a conversation, Girls normally get tense if we call them sister, why?

Yes, they will start thinking, are we looking so old to call us sister, Am I looking like an elder sister to him? They get angry, Normally, if anyone calls them aunty, they get angry. It is the old generation, haven’t you seen Raja Rani’s movie? Yes,

I have seen that movie, and in that movie, she will call him brother, Calling brother creates love in them, This is something like that, it is trending now, As soon as she hears sister, she will get tense, Wait, dear. You are a military commander.

I doubt him, come on you continue, Immediately they will react, sister? Why are you calling me sister, do I look like that? Then, he will ask, how should I call you? She will say, you can call me Riya, Okay, Riya,

this is his starting point to get close to Riya. But I didn’t understand that, He knows how to start a conversation beautifully but he doesn’t to whom, I was wondering why he called me sister, anyway, I didn’t bother about it,

Then we moved on to the next topic. He also said, Enough bro, please stop it. Let me say only this and end it up. Because after that it is very bad, It is not good for him or for the girl who is going to marry him.

It is not good if his family gets to know all this, Let me say only one and end it up, What is this you have written in English, Have you got any bandages? Because I get my knees hurt falling for you, I didn’t understand that what is it?

He asked do you have any bandages? He asked, do you have any bandages with you And you have asked him, why. You didn’t understand that, Do you have a bandage? you should ask why, Each time I fall when I see you.

My whole body gets hurt. Hit him. Hit him. Kill him, man. You should never show your face outside. Writing the script, drawing the Titanic painting, and Hearing Kannana Kanneyy’s song, I would like to say just one thing, yeah tell me,

If he shows this love to the girl he is going to marry, She will live with him for 100 years. This is the message to the viewers also. We also want to say one more thing to the viewers, I can’t tolerate it anymore, and I am going to delete this Riya Kannan account forever,

I have nothing to do with this Riya Kannan. If you get any messages from any fake accounts like this, please do not reply to that, Bye Riya, I am going to delete Riya Kannan’s account, Edipi. Bye.

Riya, don’t forget me, How can I forget you, We will meet in Ramji film city, Everyone wants to have me, You are the only one who wants to live with me.

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